
Introducing the principles of the Event-Driven and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA 2.0), and its role in the new interconnected world based on the cloud computing architecture paradigm, this book focuses on how the current and future SOA technologies provide the basis for the smart management of the service model provided by the Platform as a Service […]

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Introducing the principles of the Event-Driven and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA 2.0), and its role in the new interconnected world based on the cloud computing architecture paradigm, this book focuses on how the current and future SOA technologies provide the basis for the smart management of the service model provided by the Platform as a Service (PaaS) layer. In this new context, the concept of “service” is widely applied to the hardware and software resources available in the new generation of Internet.
This book will explore the various evolutions of the middleware communication layer, designed as an adaptation layer intended to hide the complexity of application component distribution. The evolution of the middleware layer will be discussed, with a particular focus on the main paradigm that has guided the design of this kind of system: the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm.
The authors take a practical approach to the topic, called project-based learning, in order to avoid a sequential theoretical presentation of definitions and concepts, which enables them to demonstrate how Cloud Computing IT Platforms and SOA concepts can be efficiently applied when developing current and next generation enterprise applications.
Primarily intended for network and software engineering students, engineers, researchers and experts in service-oriented, event-driven and cloud-computing architectures, this book is also suitable for anybody interested in learning about the evolution of distributed computing environments.

1. ESBay Case Study. 2. Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing Architectures. 3. SPaaS 1.0 Cookbook. 4. SSOAPaaS 1.0 Cookbook. 5. SSOAPaaS 2.0 Cookbook. 6. SSOAPaaS 3.0 Cookbook.

Ernesto Exposito

Ernesto Exposito has been Associated Professor at INSA, Toulouse, France since 2006, as well as a researcher at the LAAS laboratory of the CNRS, France. His research interests include autonomic communication services aimed at satisfying the requirements of new generation multimedia applications in heterogeneous network environments. His current research activities include designing, modeling and developing service-oriented, component-based and ontology-driven autonomic transport services.