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Earth observation has witnessed a unique paradigm change in the last decade with a diverse and ever-growing number of data sources. Among them, time series of remote sensing images has proven to be invaluable for numerous environmental and climate studies.
Multitemporal Earth Observation Image Analysis provides illustrations of recent methodological advances in data processing and information extraction from imagery, with an emphasis on the temporal dimension uncovered either by recent satellite constellations (in particular the Sentinels from the European Copernicus programme) or archival aerial images available in national archives.
The book shows how complementary data sources can be efficiently used, how spatial and temporal information can be leveraged for biophysical parameter estimation, classification of land surfaces and object tracking, as well as how standard machine learning and state-of-the-art deep learning solutions can solve complex problems with real-world applications.
Part 1. Design of Symmetric-key Algorithms.
1. Introduction to Design in Symmetric Cryptography, Joan Daemen.
2. The Design of Stream Ciphers, Chaoyun Li and Bart Preneel.
3. Block Ciphers, Orr Dunkelman.
4. Hash Functions, Gilles Van Assche.
5. Modes of Operation, Gaëtan Leurent.
6. Authenticated Encryption Schemes, Maria Eichlseder.
7. MDS Matrices, Gaëtan Leurent.
8. S-boxes, Christina Boura.
9. Rationale, Backdoors and Trust, Léo Perrin.
Part 2. Security Proofs for Symmetric-key Algorithms.
10. Modeling Security, Bart Mennink.
11. Encryption and Security of Counter Mode, Bart Mennink.
12. Message Authentication and Authenticated Encryption, Tetsu Iwata.
13. H-coefficients Technique, Yannick Seurin.
14. Chi-square Method, Mridul Nandi.
Part 3. Appendices.
Appendix 1. Data Encryption Standard (DES), Christina Boura.
Appendix 2. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Christina Boura and Orr Dunkelman.
Appendix 3. PRESENT, Christina Boura.
Appendix 4. KECCAK, Christina Boura.
Clément Mallet
Clément Mallet est chercheur à l’Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN) où il s’occupe en particulier des recherches en télédétection au sein du Laboratoire des sciences et technologies de l’information géographique.