312 pages - September 2023
ISBN papier : 9781789451313
ISBN ebook : 9781394228676

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The Himalaya is well known as the largest and highest mountain belt on Earth. Advances in geoscience over the past few decades have revealed a complex picture of the dynamics of this giant, opening up questions about the initial stages of Himalayan building, lateral variations in its structures, variations in tectonic forcing, tectonic-climate coupling and assessments of the natural hazards affecting this area.

In this three-volume book, we present the current knowledge on the building and present-day behavior of the Himalayan range. The objective is not to be exhaustive, but to provide some key elements used by researchers to unravel the many processes acting in the Himalayan dynamics.

Mountain environments are at the forefront of climate change with glacier retreat, landslides, flash floods and water availability. Understanding the delicate balance that controls the dynamics of the Himalayan giant is now, more than ever, a major challenge for the scientific community.

Part 1. Design of Symmetric-key Algorithms.
1. Introduction to Design in Symmetric Cryptography, Joan Daemen.
2. The Design of Stream Ciphers, Chaoyun Li and Bart Preneel.
3. Block Ciphers, Orr Dunkelman.
4. Hash Functions, Gilles Van Assche.
5. Modes of Operation, Gaëtan Leurent.
6. Authenticated Encryption Schemes, Maria Eichlseder.
7. MDS Matrices, Gaëtan Leurent.
8. S-boxes, Christina Boura.
9. Rationale, Backdoors and Trust, Léo Perrin.

Part 2. Security Proofs for Symmetric-key Algorithms.
10. Modeling Security, Bart Mennink.
11. Encryption and Security of Counter Mode, Bart Mennink.
12. Message Authentication and Authenticated Encryption, Tetsu Iwata.
13. H-coefficients Technique, Yannick Seurin.
14. Chi-square Method, Mridul Nandi.

Part 3. Appendices.
Appendix 1. Data Encryption Standard (DES), Christina Boura.
Appendix 2. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Christina Boura and Orr Dunkelman.
Appendix 3. PRESENT, Christina Boura.
Appendix 4. KECCAK, Christina Boura.

Rodolphe Cattin

Rodolphe Cattin is a professor at the University of Montpellier, France. His activities performed in the Himalaya are on crustal structure imaging from ground and satellite observations, river dynamics and stress transfer associated with seismic events and surface processes.

Jean-Luc Epard

Jean-Luc Epard obtained his PhD from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland (structural and Alpine geology) in 1990. He has been involved in 14 field expeditions in the Himalaya as participant or leader. His main area of expertise is the Mandi-Manali-Leh transect (India).