- All Departments
- Biology, Medicine and Health
- Chemistry
- Ecology and Environment
- Information and Communication
- Engineering and Systems
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Earth and Universe
- All Series
- Agriculture, Food Science and Nutrition
- Art and Science
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Climate and Atmosphere
- Ecological Sciences
- Electronics Engineering
- Energy
- Civil Engineering and Geomechanics
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering and Solid Mechanics
- Geosciences
- History of Science
- (FR) Hors collection
- Computer Engineering
- Health Engineering and Society
- Innovation in Learning Sciences
- Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management
- Interdisciplinarity, Sciences and Humanities
- Knowledge Management
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Numerical Methods in Engineering
- Oceanography
- Waves
- Physics
- Networks and Telecommunications
- Materials Science
- Cognitive Science
- Science, Society and New Technologies
- Space Exploration and Technology
- Information Systems, Web and Pervasive Computing
- Systems and Industrial Engineering
- Universe
- Abrégés
- Nanoscience et nanotechnologies
- All Sets
- Nucleic acids
- Addictions
- Analysis for PDEs
Anatomie comparée et posture de l’animal et de l’homme
Set published in French only
- Applications of Metamaterials to Vibration
- Learning, Development and Cognitive Technologies
- Communication Approaches to Commercial Mediation
- Architecture and Computer Science
- Engineering, Energy and Architecture
- RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)
- Digital Libraries and Collections
- Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis
- Biostatistics and Health Science
- Innovation, Benefits and Risk in Biotechnology
Changements planétaires, décision, gouvernance
Set published in French only
- Technological Changes and Human Ressources
- Chemostat and Bioprocesses
- Communication and Health
Communication, environnement, science et société
Set published in French only
- Systems of Systems Complexity
Créativité organisationnelle
Set published in French only
- Cybersecurity
- Concepts to Conceive 21st Century Society
- Territory Development
- Structures Durability in Civil Engineering
- Durability and Ageing of Organic Composite Materials
- Durability, Robustness and Reliability of Photonic Devices
Set published in French only
- Education
- Interaction of Syntax and Semantics in Discourse
Entrepreneuriat, territoires et innovation
Set published in French only
- Industrial Equipments for Chemical Engineering
- Reliability of Multiphysical Systems
- Modern Finance, Management Innovation & Economic Growth
- Urban Engineering
Géographie sociale et politique
Set published in French only
- Energy Management in Embedded Systems
- Territory Management and Digital Healthcare
Gouvernance et sacré
Set published in French only
- Health Industrialization
- Computing and Connected Society
- Energy Engineering
- Mathematical and Mechanical Engineering
- Responsible Research and Innovation
- Innovation and Responsibility
- Innovation and Technology
- Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics
- Human–Machine Interaction
- Social Interdisciplinarity
- Interdisciplinarity between Biological Sciences and Social Sciences
- Innovation between Risk and Reward
- Africa Digital Age
- Remote Identification Beyond RFID
- Health Information
- Infared Spectroscopy
- Advanced Lasers
Les concepts fondateurs de la philosophie du langage
Set published in French only
- Metaheuristics
- Soils
- Spoken Language Linguistics
- Logic, Linguistics and Computer Science
Management et organisations solidaires
Set published in French only
- Matrices and Tensors with Signal Processing
- Non-deformable Solid Mechanics
- Mediating Knowledge
- Seas and Oceans
- Modeling Methodologies in Social Sciences
- Implementation of Model Based System Engineering
- Modeling and Control of Food Processes
- Geometric Modeling and Applications
- New Mathematical Methods, Systems and Applications
- Human Resources Management
- Digital Tools and Uses
- Vertebrate Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironments
- Eco-compatibility of Organic Synthesis
- Technological Prospects and Social Applications
- Research, Innovative Theories and Methods in SSH
- Diverse and Global Perspectives on Value Creation
- Advanced Networks
- Radioactive Risk
Santé et innovation
Set published in French only
- Health and Patients
- Digital Science
- Advanced Smart Grids
- Smart Innovation
- Energy Storage – Batteries and Supercapacitors
- Advances in Information Systems
- Intellectual Technologies
- Remote Sensing Observations of Continental Surfaces
- Thermodynamics – Energy, Environment, Economy
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Tourism and Mobility Systems
- Traces
- QGIS in Remote Sensing
Utopies en information, communication et documentation
Set published in French only
- All Departments
- Biology, Medicine and Health
- Chemistry
- Ecology and Environment
- Information and Communication
- Engineering and Systems
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Earth and Universe
- All Fields
- Agronomy and Food Science
- Architecture, Urban Planning and Development
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Climate and Atmosphere
- Cognition and Language
- Ecosystems and Environment
- Education and Training
- Electronics Engineering
- Energy
- Chemical Engineering
- Geography and Demography
- Geoscience
- History of Science
- Image
- Computer Science
- Scientific Knowledge Management
- Mathematics
- Mechanics
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies
- Oceanography and Marine Ecology
- Waves
- Physics of Condensed Matter
- Physics of Soft Matter
- Networks and Communications
- Health and Society
- Materials Science
- Economics and Management
- Sociology, Ethics and Epistemology of Sciences
- Space Exploration and Technology
- Statistics
- Systems and Industrial Engineering
- Medical Techniques
- Universe
Reading and Writing Knowledge in Scientific Communities
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Cet ouvrage a pour objectif d’examiner à l’heure de l’écrilecture informatisée les conditions matérielles de coconstruction des savoirs scientifiques et leur augmentation.
Les pratiques liées aux usages de lecture « savante » se sont perpétuées au cours des siècles. Les annotations sont elles-mêmes devenues des objets d’études. Elles représentent une véritable « plus-value » des textes originaux. Historiquement reconnues depuis le XIIe siècle, les premières techniques de lecture dites « savantes » réunissaient la lecture et l’écriture dans un processus de lettrure, mêlant lecture attentive et commentaire.
Le Web a transformé ce processus par l’ajout de couches techniques concernant à la fois les processus d’écriture et de lecture, mais également la circulation des textes, leur augmentation potentielle et réalisée, leur diffusion et leur réception. Ecrilecture augmentée dans les communautés scientifiques présente des études et des retours d’expérience concernant les processus intellectuels instrumentés, les espaces de critique ouverts, l’édition savante collaborative, les modalités de circulation et de médiatisation des savoirs, les techniques élaborées et les outils employés.
1. Introduction à l’écrilecture scientifique et aux modalités techniques de son augmentation
2. L’écrilecture, une pratique révélatrice de la construction de connaissances au sein de communautés professionnelles
3. « Les espaces de la critique » : une étude des conditions de possibilité d’une lecture savante et multimédia
4. « Annoter le monde et améliorer l’humanité » : les imaginaires matériels d’un logiciel d’annotation du web
5. La construction de normes d’écrilecture pour la transcription collaborative du patrimoine numérisé
6. Le défi de l’interopérabilité entre plates-formes pour la construction de savoirs augmentés en sciences humaines et sociales
7. Le portail XML du projet symogih.org : un projet d’édition numérique collaborative de sources et d’informations historiques
8. Enjeux des « revues hypermédiatisées » pour l’édition scientifique
Gérald Kembellec
Gérald Kembellec est enseignant-chercheur en sciences de l’information et de la communication à l’Institut national des techniques de documentation au CNAM, Paris.
Evelyne Broudoux
Evelyne Broudoux est enseignant-chercheur en sciences de l’information et de la communication à l’Institut national des techniques de documentation au CNAM, Paris.