Jean-Charles Maré enseigne les systèmes mécaniques à l’INSA de Toulouse. Ses recherches au sein de l’Institut Clément-Ader portent sur les actionneurs embarqués sous les aspects architecture, conception préliminaire et prototypage virtuel.
- All Departments
- Biology, Medicine and Health
- Chemistry
- Ecology and Environment
- Information and Communication
- Engineering and Systems
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Earth and Universe
- All Series
- Agriculture, Food Science and Nutrition
- Art and Science
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Climate and Atmosphere
- Ecological Sciences
- Electronics Engineering
- Energy
- Civil Engineering and Geomechanics
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering and Solid Mechanics
- Geosciences
- History of Science
- (FR) Hors collection
- Computer Engineering
- Health Engineering and Society
- Innovation in Learning Sciences
- Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management
- Interdisciplinarity, Sciences and Humanities
- Knowledge Management
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Numerical Methods in Engineering
- Oceanography
- Waves
- Physics
- Networks and Telecommunications
- Materials Science
- Cognitive Science
- Science, Society and New Technologies
- Space Exploration and Technology
- Information Systems, Web and Pervasive Computing
- Systems and Industrial Engineering
- Universe
- Abrégés
- Nanoscience et nanotechnologies
- All Sets
- Nucleic acids
- Addictions
- Analysis for PDEs
Anatomie comparée et posture de l’animal et de l’homme
Set published in French only
- Applications of Metamaterials to Vibration
- Learning, Development and Cognitive Technologies
- Communication Approaches to Commercial Mediation
- Architecture and Computer Science
- Engineering, Energy and Architecture
- RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)
- Digital Libraries and Collections
- Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis
- Biostatistics and Health Science
- Innovation, Benefits and Risk in Biotechnology
Changements planétaires, décision, gouvernance
Set published in French only
- Technological Changes and Human Ressources
- Chemostat and Bioprocesses
- Communication and Health
Communication, environnement, science et société
Set published in French only
- Systems of Systems Complexity
Créativité organisationnelle
Set published in French only
- Cybersecurity
- Concepts to Conceive 21st Century Society
- Territory Development
- Structures Durability in Civil Engineering
- Durability and Ageing of Organic Composite Materials
- Durability, Robustness and Reliability of Photonic Devices
Set published in French only
- Education
- Interaction of Syntax and Semantics in Discourse
Entrepreneuriat, territoires et innovation
Set published in French only
- Industrial Equipments for Chemical Engineering
- Reliability of Multiphysical Systems
- Modern Finance, Management Innovation & Economic Growth
- Urban Engineering
Géographie sociale et politique
Set published in French only
- Energy Management in Embedded Systems
- Territory Management and Digital Healthcare
Gouvernance et sacré
Set published in French only
- Health Industrialization
- Computing and Connected Society
- Energy Engineering
- Mathematical and Mechanical Engineering
- Responsible Research and Innovation
- Innovation and Responsibility
- Innovation and Technology
- Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics
- Human–Machine Interaction
- Social Interdisciplinarity
- Interdisciplinarity between Biological Sciences and Social Sciences
- Innovation between Risk and Reward
- Africa Digital Age
- Remote Identification Beyond RFID
- Health Information
- Infared Spectroscopy
- Advanced Lasers
Les concepts fondateurs de la philosophie du langage
Set published in French only
- Metaheuristics
- Soils
- Spoken Language Linguistics
- Logic, Linguistics and Computer Science
Management et organisations solidaires
Set published in French only
- Matrices and Tensors with Signal Processing
- Non-deformable Solid Mechanics
- Mediating Knowledge
- Seas and Oceans
- Modeling Methodologies in Social Sciences
- Implementation of Model Based System Engineering
- Modeling and Control of Food Processes
- Geometric Modeling and Applications
- New Mathematical Methods, Systems and Applications
- Human Resources Management
- Digital Tools and Uses
- Vertebrate Palaeobiology and Palaeoenvironments
- Eco-compatibility of Organic Synthesis
- Technological Prospects and Social Applications
- Research, Innovative Theories and Methods in SSH
- Diverse and Global Perspectives on Value Creation
- Advanced Networks
- Radioactive Risk
Santé et innovation
Set published in French only
- Health and Patients
- Digital Science
- Advanced Smart Grids
- Smart Innovation
- Energy Storage – Batteries and Supercapacitors
- Advances in Information Systems
- Intellectual Technologies
- Remote Sensing Observations of Continental Surfaces
- Thermodynamics – Energy, Environment, Economy
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Tourism and Mobility Systems
- Traces
- QGIS in Remote Sensing
Utopies en information, communication et documentation
Set published in French only
- All Departments
- Biology, Medicine and Health
- Chemistry
- Ecology and Environment
- Information and Communication
- Engineering and Systems
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Earth and Universe
- All Fields
- Agronomy and Food Science
- Architecture, Urban Planning and Development
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Climate and Atmosphere
- Cognition and Language
- Ecosystems and Environment
- Education and Training
- Electronics Engineering
- Energy
- Chemical Engineering
- Geography and Demography
- Geoscience
- History of Science
- Image
- Computer Science
- Scientific Knowledge Management
- Mathematics
- Mechanics
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies
- Oceanography and Marine Ecology
- Waves
- Physics of Condensed Matter
- Physics of Soft Matter
- Networks and Communications
- Health and Society
- Materials Science
- Economics and Management
- Sociology, Ethics and Epistemology of Sciences
- Space Exploration and Technology
- Statistics
- Systems and Industrial Engineering
- Medical Techniques
- Universe